The Ascott Martyrs Educational Trust
Keeping the Story Alive
The aim of the Trust is to advance the education of the public in the subject of the Ascott Martyrs by the provision of such educational material and research as the Trust sees fit. The Trust achieves its objectives by a variety of means, by encouraging research into what is often called the Chipping Norton Incident, and the sharing of the results of that research to engage a wider community with the story itself and aspects of life in an Oxfordshire village at this time.
Trustees are available to give talks on various aspects of the event and support a Study Group to encourage research, and the recording and sharing of the results.
In conjunction with the WEA, the Trust sponsored the creation of a commemorative hanging textile by local women, some of whom are descendants of the Martyrs. This is now on display in the parish church. The Trust has also provided information plaques on the seats that surround the memorial chestnut tree on the village green, telling the story of the Martyrs.
Having organised a programme of activities to mark the 150th anniversary of the incident, the Trust continues to share, through its social media channels, information about what happened to the women and their families after the events of 1873. Descendants are particularly encouraged to share information and stories.
If you would like to know more about the story of the Martyrs, and their family histories, copies of Beverley McCombs’ book can be purchased directly from the Trust, as can a full colour, illustrated booklet about the making of the commemorative textile. For more information email ascottmartyrsinfo@gmail.com
Ascott Martyrs Educational Trust…
Who is who?
Carol Anderson - Chairman
Cynthia Briant - Secretary
Andrew Weaver – Treasurer
Paula Nielsen-Tickner
Historical Advisors
Beverley McCombs
Wendy Pearse
Study Group
Coordinator - Andrew Weaver
Website - Mark Pidgeon
Facebook Admin - Paula Nielsen-Tickner
AMET Registration Charity No.